
Spelean will consider all sponsorship applications for events, expeditions and persons based on relevancy to our brands, other existing sponsorship arrangements, and available budgets.

In reviewing applications we look for

  • excellent and tangible results for our brands;
  • opportunities to promote and showcase our products' attributes and features and raise their visibility in the industry including via social media;
  • an alignment between event/personal values and brand values;
  • an alignment between event/personal values and Spelean company values and ethics;
  • a balance between all our sponsorship activities across community, environmental and sporting activities.


We encourage people seeking sponsorship to submit an application outlining the event/expedition/person and their goals and the perceived benefits of sponsorship.


We reserve the right to reject any proposition that:

  • is in conflict with the objectives set forth above and/or does not reflect Spelean’s principles of social responsibility;
  • reveals a conflict of interest or is not perceived as independent by public opinion;
  • negatively impacts an existing sponsorship arrangement.


Please submit applications to our Marketing Manager.


Current Australian and New Zealand Major Sponsorships

 TrailsPlus sponsorship 2023

Wanaka Opening Night at NZ Mountain Film Festival


Pitch Black by Climbfit